Russian occupiers are perpetrating a heinous crime through the deportation of Ukrainians. Since the start of the full-scale invasion of Ukraine, Russian authorities and their collaborators, including local accomplices, have orchestrated mass deportations, forcibly transferring Ukrainians deep into the territory of the Russian Federation and the Republic of Belarus.
Deportation is an illegal method of subjugating and erasing the populations of occupied territories. This tactic has been a cornerstone of Russia’s invasive policies for decades. As the successor to the Soviet Union, modern Russia continues to pursue its foreign policy in line with the most oppressive Soviet traditions, committing crimes reminiscent of those carried out by communist regimes in the 20th century.
To underscore the persistence of this brutal deportation practice, we examine cases of forced evictions spanning from Soviet-era atrocities to contemporary deportations executed by the Russian army.In collaboration with the Ukrainian NGO Ukraїner, we produced a video and an article in both Ukrainian and English, exploring the historical context of deportations — from those carried out by the Russian Empire and the Soviet Union to the modern-day actions of the Russian military.
The short version of the project were also published in different languages in Ukraїner International pages in Spanish, Polish, Czech, French, German and Japanese.
This project was made possible with the support of Stichting Next Level Initiatives as part of the "Where Are Our People?" campaign.Check the Ukrainian and English version of the project.