Our co-founder, Anastasiia Marushevska, had a series of meetings in Brussels with the representatives of the EU and European Commission where se shared insights into PR Army’s key initiatives, including the “Where Are Our People?”, Voices of Freedom, and Disarm Russia projects, along with a report on the historical roots of propaganda prepared with the support of NATO.
The advocacy trip included:
Meeting with the EEAS Stratcom East team that actively monitors and counters disinformation in the EU's Eastern neighborhood through their EUvsDisinfo website, social media channels, and a dedicated disinformation newsletter. Meeting with the EEAS Ukraine Division that covers thematic issues including human rights and accountability, Crimea, international tribunal, environmental damage, the peace formula, security commitments and enlargement. Meeting with representatives of the EU External Actions Service (EEAS), and European Commission services including DG FISMA, DG TRADE, and TAXUD, about the sanctions targeting CNC machines.