"Historical Context of Russian Propaganda: From Kyivan Rus to Full-Scale Russian Invasion of Ukraine." - An Analytical Report

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Our research team at PR Army has analyzed over 100 materials from leading Ukrainian and international scholars, alongside media publications. Using interpretive methods and OSINT tools, researchers have dissected historical myths with ideological undertones and illustrated their exploitation by Kremlin propagandists throughout their ongoing information war against Ukraine. This review covers the period from the formation of Rus to the present Russian military aggression.

We refute the myth of the "reunification" of Russian and Ukrainian nations, expose propaganda based on falsified Russian historiography regarding the territories of Ukraine occupied by Russia, address distortions related to the Second World War, and debunk misinformation about the current invasion of Ukraine.

Vladyslav Havrylov

historian and PR Army expert, lead researcher of the report

Our study addresses
the origins and impacts
of such myths as:

and more...

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to the team behind this research:

Lead Researcher: Vladyslav Havrylov
Researchers: Anastasiia Saienko, Oleksandr Rudenky
Editor: Oksana Ostapchuk
Coordinator: Anna Vdovychenko
Project Lead: Anastasiia Marushevska

Special thanks to our partners
at NATO for their invaluable support.

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